The chances of selling a screenplay are a zillion to one.  Maybe a billion to one? A million to one?  Or — if you’re lucky, the math is in your favor and the chances are less than that.  But yes, the odds are staggering.

The biggest and most important tip I can share with you is this — do not submit your screenplay unless it is absolutely brilliant.  Seriously if your script is not the absolute best it can be then your script will be rejected. Your screenplay is your calling card; it is your audition piece to gain entry into the film business. If you’re having doubts about the strength of your screenplay then it’s not ready to be submitted. Seek professional feedback from a screenplay consultant or industry professional. Keep in mind that if you ask a friend or family member, this person might not have the tools to determine a script’s strengths and weaknesses — and might not tell you the truth because — they don’t want to alienate you! The competition to get a script read by a film industry executive, let alone, having it be considered for production or even sold – are indeed staggering. Keep the odds in your favor.

Now that I’ve gotten the negative, depressing statistics out of the way, let’s look at the positive news. If you think outside of the proverbial box, you increase your chances of selling your screenplay.