Su-City Pictures East, LLC

Screenplay & Film Consulting By Susan Kouguell

Tag: synopsis

Susan’s Ten Top Tips On Marketing Your Screenplay – The Script Lab


Ten Top Tips On Marketing Your Screenplay


QUESTION: How do you capture a film executive’s attention?

ANSWER: Write a brilliant screenplay.

QUESTION: I wrote a brilliant screenplay.  Now what?

ANSWER: Gain entry past the film industry gatekeepers.  Here’s how…

1.     Only submit your screenplay to a company when it has been requested.

2.     Research companies producing in your genre and query them.

3.     Learn the company’s script submission guidelines and follow them closely.

4.     Use up-to-date resource directories. Development executives come and go; someone who is working at a company today may be gone tomorrow or may have a new position and title.

5.     Write an attention-grabbing query letter that has the executive’s name and correct spelling. Do not address your query: To Whom It May Concern.

6.     Write a scintillating one-page synopsis that accurately reflects your screenplay.

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ASK THE SCREENPLAY DOCTOR February 2012 column Submitting Your Project Pointers

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Top Five Pointers for Submitting Your Project

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