Su-City Pictures East, LLC

Screenplay & Film Consulting By Susan Kouguell

Month: February 2013

New Piece with Annebarbe Kau, text by Susan Kouguell
Below is the German to English translation:

Annebarbe Kau their acoustic intervention


The Lent is – also – a time of longing and hope of spring. Midst of the former abbey district in Bonn-Vilich lies a small cemetery. A stone wall includes the cemetery and gives it its round shape. You follow a path that makes possible a full tour, a rarity. This way is my starting point for a sound collage that visitors can indulge. The path leads him around by the church on the school grounds at the cemetery so that it is covered in its entirety. The interplay of walking, seeing and hearing is the sensual theme of this work. It is set in motion by a collage of text and sounds that can be received via headphones – but the visitors must go to the Wall Trail, since only at selected points something is sent.

sounds from another (year) and time of other landscapes can accommodate you.

I want to see the visitor with the ears.

stooping us and look through our own legs to the world. She stands head, everything is wrong.

text: Susan Kouguell
voice: Elisabeth People
section: Said Suma


Here is my February ASK THE SCREENPLAY DOCTOR column…